Leave Judgement to God


2 Thessalonians 1:6-7 (NKJV) – “since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you, and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels”

Being children of the living God, we live our life according to God’s word, but we are bound to face trials and tribulations, and persecution at the hands of others. This may be at home, at work, in school, by our friends, or by anyone we meet. At such times remember it is not for us to judge and act on others for what they have done.

What separates us from the rest of the world when we go through persecution is our Faith and Trust in God. We know and believe that our God is a just and faithful God and He will come to the rescue of us, His chosen people.

Remember this, when we live a righteous life as Jesus taught us to, God is watching over us. We must leave the judgment of people into the hands of God. He is a wise and just God and He will judge those who persecute His children.

On judgment day when Jesus comes back to Earth with His angels to judge the world for their deeds, He will give us, His children who are being persecuted, rest from persecution. While those that are the persecutors will be judged by Him for how they have treated God’s children and will have to reap the fruits of their deeds.


One Comment

  1. Rebecca
    08 Apr 2021 09:11:36 Reply

    As Your Word, O Lord, teaches us :

    To You belongs judgement, Deuteronomy 1 : 17,
    vengeance & recompense, 32 : 35

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