Let us Know Him


Psalms 34:8 – Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

The Hebrew word used here for taste is ta`am and it means, to taste, to perceive. These are active verbs. So accordingly, we are meant to know & experience the goodness of the Lord. How do we experience the goodness of God? Is going to church, reading the Word and praying regularly enough for us to get the experience? Not exactly!

In our daily lives, we make mistakes, we struggle with all kinds of thoughts of temptations, we face the unfair world & get depressed, we undergo emotional highs & lows. In EVERY circumstance, let us take refuge in the Lord with faith. Some aspects of faith are indescribable, they can only be experienced and known by actually doing them…tasting the Lord, leaning on His grace, taking refuge in His care, believing that He will not abandon us etc. So, let’s accept the invitation of King David and taste the Lord to understand His goodness by giving up the controls, by allowing Him to work in & through us and by depending on Him instead of ourselves. We are privileged to find Him near and take our refuge from life’s smallest fears to greatest dangers.


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