Life Beyond Darkness


Colossians 1:13

He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.

The Colossians was written by Paul when Colossae, the wealthy city, was the trade route for people worldwide. When people came to Colossae, they brought their beliefs and traditions, which created a conflation of ideas and faith.

Darkness is defined as a partial or total absence of light; similarly, the Bible defines darkness as all that separates us from God, because God is light (John 8:12).

How do we still slip into darkness even after Christ delivered us?

  • By not honoring God’s word
  • Being stuck in the past and constantly worried about the future
  • Not walking in the will of God
  • Fear of failure and living in shame and guilt
  • Holding on to the bonds of the bad experience

The day we accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as our savior, he delivered us from the dominion of darkness. We cannot go back to seeing things as they were before.

When we seek Him, we seek light, and light brings love, joy, salvation, and spiritual growth that helps us stay closer to God and His word. Every time we feel we are tumbling back into old habits and destructive thought patterns, we should get closer to God. Seek His light and His will for your life, and experience the unconditional and everlasting love of God.


One Comment

  1. Ratna kumari Chaudhary
    06 Jan 2023 14:09:02 Reply

    thank you for blessed message really i encourage by this message and it helps me be mature in word of God to live by faith trusting in lord.

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