

And when we draw close to GOD, GOD will draw close to you. Wash your hands, and let your hearts be filled with GOD alone to make them pure and true to HIM. James: 4:8 (The Living Bible)

What can change our lives? What is it that differentiates between a dream and a reality? It is the power of ACTIONS.

In the above verse, there are certain words such as “Draw” “Wash” “be filled” “make” , which are verbs.  A  verb is an action. Bible emphasises on ACTIONS. Having faith in GOD is the first step, but one should not stop there, we need to Act on our Faith.  As believers in Christ, we should everyday, diligently, despite our yesterday’s failure, should relentlessly keep putting our faith into action.

How do we put our Faith into Action? Firstly, We should be willing to let go of things, that blurs  the image of God in our hearts. Be it addictions, offences, guilt etc . When we love Jesus, we don’t hold on to anything that keeps us away from him. We should draw close to him, for He will draw close to us.

Secondly, believing is always easier than behaving.  One cannot see our beliefs, but can surely see our behaviours. In order to live what we believe, we must behave according to our Faith. For instance, if you are in the middle of a breaking marriage, instead of carrying offences against your partner, act on the words of christ, of loving them beyond the hurt and offences.

GOD loves a DOER of HIS Words.



  1. M Joseph Melchior
    11 Jun 2019 08:25:53 Reply

    Good msg.
    I have enrolled more than 3 to 4 times but I am still not getting. Kindly help that I may get the daily msg

    • Bethel Team
      13 Jun 2019 15:41:38 Reply

      Dear Brother Joseph,
      Thanks for subscribing/enrolling. As a result, you’ll be receiving the email-notifications whenever our Digital Magazine is released. You’ll also receive periodic updates about special church events.
      In order to receive notifications for Daily Devotions, we encourage you to download our Mobile App. You’ll have Daily Devotions available at the tap of a button. You may download it from here:

      Hope we have been able to help you.


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