Live to Praise Jesus


Ephesians 1:12 – “That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.”

What do you live for? It’s a question we must consider with serious thought. Many of us live to achieve something worthwhile – a successful career, a good standing in the community or considerable wealth. While none of these ambitions are wrong, we must examine why we strive to achieve these things. Is our pursuit to glorify God’s Name or our own?

It is said that the way we spend our time reveals a lot about what our priorities are. Most of us spend a major chunk of our day at our work – be it at home, school, college or in an office. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that we honor our work above God. It’s our attitude and subconscious thoughts that determine what we value the most.

Are we so engrossed in work that we miss out glimpses of God’s grace?
Are we so stressed about a situation that we forget to look up to God for wisdom and strength?
Are we so self-absorbed that we forget to that God when things go well?

As people who’ve tasted and seen the goodness of God, spending time in God’s presence should be our top priority. Look for ways to praise God, even in the midst of the everyday monotony. When you are conscious of God’s presence in the midst of your day, you will experience a deeper measure of His joy and peace.
