Long Life!


He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” – Psalm 91:15-16 (NIV)

We might conclude from this verse that God will stand by us no matter how awful circumstances get. Furthermore, if we ask Him to do so, He will step in and even honor us. Our rescuer stands by to come to our aid when we are in trouble!

We shouldn’t be reluctant to put our faith in God’s promises. We can rely on the Bible and the God of the Bible; simple faith is all we require. God has demonstrated His capacity to govern the universe; therefore, it stands to reason that He can also oversee our lives.

We cannot detach ourselves from the teachings of God and still hope to find shelter in Him. When we pray to the Lord, we must believe He will unquestionably deliver us from our problems.
God desires to give us a long life that is satisfying and long enough to demonstrate His salvation via Christ. Long life indicates that God will fill us with the length of days.

God promises us that we will experience endless lengths, breadths, depths, and heights of His salvation. We will live in and take pleasure in God’s glory. The Lord takes pleasure in honoring those who put their trust in Him. In other words, those who love and trust the Lord will live long in this world and be blessed for eternity.

Never take the devil’s word for the truth. Hold on to the truth of God’s Word, which declares that He will provide us with long life if we obey Him. Let’s believe the word.!


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