
1 Peter 4:8 – “Above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.” 

We are asked to have fervent love for one another. Fervent means displaying very hot, burning, glowing or passionate intensity. We have to intentionally love one another with fervent love because this love is what will cover a multitude of sins.

This means that we are supposed to love one another without judgement, without prejudice and without discrimination. When we see a brother or sister in need or in trouble, we need to love them and exhort them with love. Or if someone has wronged us, mistreated us or insulted us, we still need to love them, forgive them and pray for them. In fact, this scenario is the hardest. It is easy to love people who are easy to love, who have not hurt or harmed or insulted us. The challenge for us is to love our enemies and pray for them. To love one another unconditionally, just as Christ loved us.

Keep in mind that the trials, the sufferings, and the insults that come our way, should not surprise us, because, when “we suffer as a Christian, we should not be ashamed, but we need to praise God that we bear that name.” (1 Peter 4:12-16).

Praise God, for His love for us, a love that covers our sins and the sins of the entire world. Praise God, for loving us first and for adopting us into His family, for teaching us to follow His footsteps and for teaching us to love others just as He loves us. Amen!


One Comment

  1. Dr.Ramakrishna
    09 Jul 2022 08:28:29 Reply

    Thank you Lord God Jesus
    You covered all my sins with your love. Thank you Heavenly Father, you have became my salvation. Before my mother conceived, you knew and chose me as your child, you laid down your life for me. Let me adore, honor and submit and surrender unto your holy feet. Thank you God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. In the precious matchless mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

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