LOVE- The Greatest of all


Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength Mark:12:30 

A human being is not just how he/she  looks externally, We are much more deeper creations of GOD. We are beyond our physical bodies, we are spiritual beings with our own spiritual intellect. Our minds have different levels of understanding at various stages such as the conscious and the subconscious. Our strength is not mere physical, but mental, emotional as well as spiritual. 

The word of GOD is our manual of working. We are what is written about us in the Bible,  Period! When we follow and put efforts in living our lives the way bible asks us to, we experience the Hand of God in our lives, we experience the clear presence of our LORD and HIS Favour on our lives. 

The message version of the above verse explains it much better, which reads as “ so love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy.” Mark 12:30 . With All that we are and with all our strength, let us  LOVE our GOD JESUS. This is the first command. If the entire old testament laws could be condensed into a sentence this would be it. Whatever be our situation, circumstances, problems, disappointments or failures, let us give our love with all that we are to our great GOD who deserves it all.


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