The Magnificence of God!


Psalm 45:6 Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of Your Kingdom.

As we meditate over the verse, it is worth remembering that the God we serve is the King of all Kings who is eternal and always just.

The Eternal Kingdom of God:

The kingdom of God existed in Genesis and still prevails and will always prevail, proclaiming His eternal reign as our King. The God of the Old Testament made the heavens and the earth, sustained a nation in the wilderness, and worked glories. He is the same God who was crucified for our sins and rose again from death to destroy the curse of sin.

God knows the past, our past. He is with us in our present and He has prepared the best for us in the future. His plans are never failing!

The Scepter of Righteousness:

Furthermore, it says the sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of His kingdom.

A sceptre is a rod, usually ornamental, which represents authority and sovereignty. Hence, the kingdom of God is under the moral authority of our God, the King. God is just, He is the Jehovah-Hashopet who is just to the righteous. We have nothing to worry. God our King will protect us from all the trials and allegations that the adversary puts in our way.

We may face worrisome days that are of this world. But recall that you are an essential part of His kingdom; righteous and eternal are its traits because it’s not of this world. So as you start your day remember to face trials with your head held high because the all-righteous and the just King of kings is by your side!


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