Magnify the Magnificent God


Exalt ye the Lord our God, and worship at his footstool; for he is holy.(KJV) Psalm 99:5

The above verse reminds us that our magnificent God is seated on His throne in heaven and we ought to exalt Him and magnify His holy name here on earth- which is referred to as God`s footstool. Exalting God is the highest form of worship. As children of the most high God, everything we do in our daily lives must be done with the intention of honoring God. We ought to carry ourselves with the deepest humility and give Him all the glory.

The psalmist in today`s verse is urging God`s people to humble themselves before the Almighty God and worship Him in spirit and truth. We are called to fall at His mighty feet and serve Him in awe and reverence. God has chosen us to adore Him and praise Him for He is worthy.

Our dear God is the quintessence of holiness. There is nothing and no one in this entire world who is holier than Him. He is seated so high above the earth that the earth is His footstool and under His authority. He is the king of kings and the lord of lords.

The next time we bow our heads in worship let us remember that we are here to serve Him and not the other way around. Let us therefore be respectful and unpretentious when we come in His presence and bring our hearts into worship for, He is holy and deserves the highest praise.


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