Make me a God-Fearing Heart 


Proverbs 14:26 “Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge.” 

Fear often invokes negative emotions. It is almost always associated with something bad and dangerous. Fear can have an adverse effect on both our physical and mental health. But what if you were told today, that there also exists a different kind of fear- the good fear. 

Through the above verse, the Holy Bible gives a totally new interpretation to the emotion called fear. It encourages us to be fearful of the Lord. Does this mean that we should panic and be anxious in His presence? Absolutely not. It means to acknowledge and revere His power over all things. When we fear the Lord, we proclaim His majesty over our life. It goes on to say that fear of the Lord brings us closer to Him and enables us to trust in Him in every season. It strengthens our faith and allows us to rest in Him.  

This verse establishes the fact that the ones who fear the Lord can look towards a brilliant future. He rewards a God-fearing heart. The ones who fear Him receive divine wisdom and knowledge. The Lord reveals Himself to those who revere Him. There is no end to the goodness and the blessings we stand to receive when we fear Him in a rightful manner.  

Let us make a promise to replace our bad fear with the good fear of the Lord.  After all as children of God, that is the only fear we are allowed to have. When the fear of the Lord takes over, all other fears diminish. There is no fear in His presence. 


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