Making Praise and Gratitude a Lifestyle


Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. Hebrews 13:15

Hebrews 13:15 encourages us to offer a continuous sacrifice of praise to God through Jesus Christ. Unlike animal sacrifices, this sacrifice of praise comes alive through our verbal acknowledgement and adoration of God’s name. The phrase ‘through Jesus’ highlights Jesus Christ’s central role in our relationship with God. It’s through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and his role as our mediator, that we can approach God and offer our praise.

The term ‘continually’ shows that praise is not just a one-time event but an ongoing attitude and action in a believer’s life. It requires believers to maintain a posture of gratitude towards God, no matter the circumstances, which reflects their deep-seated faith. Calling praise ‘the fruit of lips that openly profess his name’ underscores the importance of verbal expression in worship. By openly professing God’s name, we announce His attributes—His goodness, faithfulness, and greatness. This praise serves not only ourselves; it recognizes who God is and what He has accomplished.

We often praise God spontaneously when He performs marvellous deeds for us. Even when our circumstances seem unsuitable for praise, we offer it as a sacrifice—an exercise of faith. God commands us to give thanks in all things because this is His will for us in Christ Jesus. Just as parents teach their children to be grateful, even when they are not inclined to feel it, we deliberately acknowledge God’s sovereignty and goodness with our sacrifice of praise, especially during difficult times. In the same way, when we openly profess God’s name, it reflects how parents prompt their children to express gratitude publicly.

In essence, Hebrews 13:15 encourages us to maintain a posture of worship and use our voices to glorify God at all times. It serves as a reminder that worship extends beyond religious rituals or ceremonies and is a living, dynamic expression of faith that honours God and affirms His lordship in every aspect of life.


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