Abide in his Love.


James 1:12 – Blessed is that man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

Temptation is something that every man and woman is able to relate to. Today, in the world temptation lies in every corner lurking with fangs to devour us. At times, we become so comfortable in our walk with the Lord that we forget that even Jesus was tempted; we forget that we need to be abiding in his holiness. We are forgetful people!

However, the Lord does not forget. And so much more we need to remember. This verse for so many of us only holds a biblical truth and a certainty that we know. We should not withhold   our conscience from the day to day lifestyle that we lead. In this ardent thirst and hunger that we have for the Lord we need to always imitate him; not only love him because he promises a crown at the end but we should love him with a heart that knows and walks away from every form of temptation. It is hard. It is difficult. But the day  we decide to go on our knees and pray to the Lord – Take this cup, O Lord and not my will but your will be done. The Lord will stretch out his loving hands and secure us in his embrace. It is time we realize that our Lord is the living God who not only loves us unconditionally but also waits patiently for us to return. And we shall return!


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