The Ultimate sacrifice.


Romans 8:32 – He that spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus knelt and wept and it says till drops of blood fell from the agony and pain he felt in his heart. The agony and pain that many of us will not be able to relate to; many of us will only stand in awe of his sacrifice but will not be able to fathom what he went through. He was slashed and whipped for each of us and was ready to give himself up only for the one cause he lived and went through what he went through.

Oh, we have a wonderful God! Will any human being give his life for us? And sometimes we forget the only God who became human for us so that he would be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. At times like this when we remember our Lord we fail to sacrifice the things he tells us gently to give up. We hold on to people, to desires, to wants and to so much more and forsake the gentle and loving admonishing of our Lord. And yet when we have made our own selfish choices; yet he looks at us with his loving eyes and weeps just like he did in the garden of Gethsemane.


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