Mention His Lovingkindness


Isaiah 63:7 NKJV

I will mention the lovingkindnesses of the Lord And the praises of the Lord, According to all that the Lord has bestowed on us, …


These are the words of the prophet, who, having heard what the Lord would do for his church and people in later times, by avenging them on their enemies. Therefore, he calls to mind the favors bestowed on Israel of old; and determines to make mention of them hence he begins with “I will mention“.


What is he mentioning? Is it just an event or two? No, it is surely much more. That’s why he uses the word “Lovingkindnesses“, a plural word, meaning not only the instances of his providential goodness in bringing them out of Egypt, leading them through the Red Sea and wilderness, and settling them in Canaan’s land; but also those of God’s special grace and goodness to the chosen of God among them. Lord’s lovingkindness was always visible in His election, redemption, and sanctification to His people.


The mentioning of the Lord’s Lovingkindnesses can only result in Awe of Him and hence Praises of the Lord are evident.


In today’s scenario, how can this scripture be applied? We cannot deny the truth that we all have been witnesses of various lovingkindnesses of the Lord in our very lives. Mentioning / Remembering is a spiritual exercise that can drag us back to looking at our lives from God’s perspective and not World’s. Bible declares that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He surely can be trusted with any situation we are facing now.


Let us consistently remind ourselves and our loved ones of “the lovingkindnesses of God” and let Praises arise from the assurance that “He is able and Faithful” because His mercies are new every morning.


Blessed day ahead.


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