Miracle on the way!


My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him. Psalm 62:5

It is easy to say that we trust God, but do we get frustrated when there are delays in God’s answers?

Do not worry or be anxious, as God has some great plans for us, during this waiting period. Jeremiah 29:11 says the Lord has plans to prosper you and to give you a hope and a future!

God wants us to draw more closer to Him and trust Him completely more than anything that we are praying for. He will change us, mould us and transform us to a perfect person during the process. We can be assured that God who did not spare his own Son, will fulfil our other needs too.

Trust in the Lord and not on our own understanding. Let us put our hope in His word that never changes. His word says “Call upon me, I will answer you”. He is a miracle worker. He will come and save us from the troubles that we face today. Be strong and take courage! Lord Jesus said,” I will never leave you nor forsake you”. Do not be afraid, fear not, you will not be ashamed. God is in control! Continue in prayer with thanksgiving for all the goodness he has in store for you! 

When we choose to wait quietly, prayerfully, trusting God, we not only honor God but also encourage others to put their hope in Him as well.

Always remember, those who wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles! (Isaiah 40:31). Wait on the Lord! Your miracle is on the way!



  1. Ramakrishna
    09 Sep 2020 06:30:47 Reply

    Praise the Lord, I have a hope and future. My miracle is on the way. He will never leave nor forsake me. I will wait in the Lord. Lord Jesus renew my strength and I mount up with wings like eagles ! Oh thank you Jesus. Even the enimy means for evil You will turn it for my good. Because battle belongs to You Lord, victory is on the way. I will be victorious. I will trust you Lord. Thank you for your grace and mercy.
    I adore, honor and worship you Master God. In the precious name of Jesus I will submit and pray. Amen.

  2. Rani
    09 Sep 2020 07:59:25 Reply

    Praise god. Morning devotions are really helpful specially in tis time..Helps me to obey god and His promises with confidence. Makes me feel strengthend by His word..Thank u pastor ..May G od bless u and ur team..Amen…

  3. Cynia
    09 Sep 2020 10:10:29 Reply

    Prayer request for my health as I have undergone 2 operation one was piles and the other was fibroid Within 1 1/2 year and so I often have leg pain and lower hip pain I cannot go for a walk and the Dr has advised me to do walking so that I should not gain weight. Please keep me in prayer .

    • Bethel Team
      09 Sep 2020 14:43:49 Reply

      Dear Cynia, May God’s healing touch be upon you. By His wounds you are healed. God bless you!

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