My Strength Comes From God


Nehemiah 8:10: …for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

In this Bible passage, Ezra is reading the word of God to the people of Israel as they return to their homeland after a 70-year exile. As Ezra reads from God’s word, the people begin to weep as it dawned on them how far they had gone away from God. At this point, Nehemiah, Ezra, and the others told the people not to mourn as this was a great day and Holy to God.

The Bible goes on to say that the people were told to enjoy the food and even share with those who didn’t have anything, so they could rejoice too, and to not be sad because the joy of the Lord is where our strength comes from.

Our strength comes from God. We must rejoice in God who is doing miracles in our lives and all around us. God is always at work, removing obstacles from our path and standing with us through our troubled times.

Philippians 4:13 says that I can do all things through Christ from whom I get my strength. We have our worries, our mistakes and sins that hold us down. We must trust in God who is a forgiving Lord and gives us the strength to not repeat our sins. He is our deliverer and joy giver.

Dear Lord, today let me enjoy your presence and works in my life. Let not the worries of the world take me away from the joy that you bring to my life. I lean on you Heavenly Father for strength during these troubled times. I know that you are with me always and you will never forsake me. Thank you for your promises, Lord. I will not have any sorrow as you fill my heart with joy. Amen.



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