My Defense and Refuge


“I will sing of Your power; yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; for You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble.” Psalm 59:16

Most people naturally sing when they are joyful. Almost everyone naturally cries when they are sorrowful. Our emotions reveal our circumstances. Our circumstances expose our true nature and our dependence on God. On a day of trouble, what do you do naturally? Are you like the Israelites singing and dancing after crossing the red sea? Or will you joyfully wait by the red sea, trusting God to make a way?

In Ziklag (1 Samuel 30), David and his men lose everyone dear to them. When they find out, David and the men weep until they have no strength. His loyal men are so distressed and bitter that they talk of stoning David. However, instead of being devastated through it all, David encourages himself in the Lord and finds a way out. David had countless experiences of God’s faithfulness whenever he cast his cares upon the Lord. It is no wonder this psalm was written by him. He was confessing joyfully about his life filled with testimonies of God’s goodness.

David teaches us to face our day of trouble with God alone. Sorrow may last its period, but our trials will end in praise and joy. Let our fearful attitudes change as we turn heavenward. Let our cries for help turn into songs of rejoicing as we recall God’s faithfulness. God is a very present help in all our circumstances.

Today sing praises to God when doubt and fear trouble your mind. Allow God to be your stronghold and security. Let Him surround your life rather than your troubles or struggles. May God be your only defense and refuge.


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