Never Ending Flow of Water


John 7:38

He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.

Many people these days are die hard consumers of sports drinks. These drinks are found suitable for all events. But quenching the thirst of a human body is only possible by drinking water. The human body is made up of an average of 60% water. No matter how tasty artificial beverages are, nothing comes close to the satisfaction water gives our bodies, considering its health benefits.

Similarly, have you ever wondered if our souls need water too? Our spiritual diet is the most important aspect of our daily lives.

When our soul is thirsty, if we quench it with sports drinks like gaining validation through others, relying on material pleasures, seeking advice from wrong sources, and so on, it will only make us dehydrated. These are man-made standards of happiness and success.

When the scripture says – ‘Living Water’, it means the Holy Spirit. Whoever believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, rivers of living water will flow from their hearts. The living water of righteousness, love, joy, and blessings will flow out of their hearts.

Jesus says, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink”. God is talking about spiritual thirst. We may have a good job, friends, and a great house to stay in, but these are temporary aspects of our lives. Everything we have today will fade away tomorrow, but anyone who believes in God and His Holy Spirit will never be thirsty ever again.

We, need to make sure that we pray and read God’s word every day to keep ourselves hydrated in our spiritual journey.


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