New Mercy for Today


Lamentations 3:22-23 – “Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.”

Refrigerators have become an essential appliance in almost all households. There was a time when our ancestors bought fresh produce every day, cooked it right away and consumed it before the day ended. Now that we have refrigerators, we don’t need to shop for groceries every single day, and we can make do with leftovers. But we don’t really like leftovers, do we? Well, neither does God.

God doesn’t give us leftovers for us to survive. He gives us new mercy and fresh grace every day so we can thrive. In today’s Scripture, the prophet reminds Himself of God’s compassion and faithfulness. In the midst of his affliction (Lamentations 3:19) and when his soul is downcast (Lamentations 3:20), He remembers that God’s mercy is new every morning and that gives Him hope (Lamentations 3:21).

Are you feeling tired and worn out – physically, emotionally or spiritually? Perhaps your soul is fed up with yesterday’s leftovers. Take some time to rest in God’s presence today. He’s got fresh grace in store for you. When your spiritual tank is running low, you will lack the faith and determination to run your race. Fill yourself up with God’s Word, dwell in His presence and you will have all the wisdom, grace and strength you need for today.



  1. Manohar Patil
    16 May 2018 09:07:52 Reply

    Praise the Lord. How true it is! Amen. God wants us to repent of our sins and realise difficulties and He will make a way to sail through safely.

  2. Sarita
    16 May 2018 12:30:50 Reply

    Amen. I was singing the same song this morning.

    The steadfast love of the lord never ceases. His mercy never comes to an end.
    They are new every morning, new every morning, great is thy faithfulness Oh lord, great is thy faithfulness.

    No matter how the situation is, his mercies are new every morning.

    • God's begotten
      16 May 2018 14:29:08 Reply

      Amen Sarita elder sister..and cheer🤙for your realisation and believe on TRUTH

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