No evil shall stand against YOU.


The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory forever and ever. Amen: 2 Timothy:4:18

These were the words of Paul the apostle, in the book of 2 Timothy, apostle Paul says that he was brought before a judge and no one was there to help him in this situation, for everyone had fled. But GOD stood with him and gave him the opportunity to preach the gospel for the world to hear and saved him from being thrown to the lions. 

Paul was sure of the fact that the LORD will rescue him from every evil and take him safely home to JESUS. Similarly, we are at times faced by challenges when we have to face it with no support from our loved ones or have to go through a certain phase of our life which needs enormous faith to cross all alone. In situations like this, let us remind and claim this above verse.  

The Lord always gives us the strength to do what he has commanded us to do. This strength might not be evident, however until we step out in faith and actually begin doing the task that HE has called us to do. Hence let us find ways to do the will of GOD in our lives and not look out for blockages or hindrances that try to stop us from doing HIS will. GOD is with you and will lead you to your finishing line victoriously. 


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