No More Sorrow


Revelation 21:4

“And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

One of the difficult things about life on this earth is that we will have trouble (John 16:33). But in the same verse, Jesus promises us His peace because He has overcome the world. We can be courageous through the daily trials we face because we know this is not the end.

We don’t have to go through life burdened by the sorrows that plague us day in and day out. We can choose to hold on to our Prince of Peace and let Him comfort, strengthen and guide us. While we may experience pain and sorrow as a consequence of life on earth, that is not our destiny. Today’s verse gives us hope and tells us what’s in store for us.

Jesus conquered death on the cross, and through Him we have eternal life. A life where there’ll be no more sorrow or crying, no more pain. God Himself will wipe away every tear from your eye and lead you to eternal joy. The joys you’ve experienced in your life are a miniscule fraction of what’s in store for you in eternity.

Don’t let yourself feel hopeless, let the hope of eternity brighten your day. The God who’s led you this far will carry you till the end. He will strengthen and perfect you. Remember, He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6).



  1. Madhura
    23 Dec 2021 07:48:59 Reply

    Praise the lord !!! Amen…..thank you lord for all the strength what you have poured out on us in this season of passing of the troubles……..let we welcome the coming year with joy peace and happiness 😊

  2. Siju Kottackal
    23 Dec 2021 11:12:16 Reply

    Amen…Thank you for this blessed message. May God bless you all.

  3. Ramakrishna
    23 Dec 2021 20:36:33 Reply

    Praise the Lord, Thank you Jesus for all the joy you have brought through you to all of us. Thank you Lord for encouraging us in the midst of troubles in this world. Thank you for helping us to overcome this world and worldly things.
    We praise and worship you in your precious name oh Lord. Amen

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