Obedience Leads to Wisdom


Proverbs 13:1 NKJV

“A wise son heeds his father’s instruction, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke.”

The book of Proverbs in the Bible is filled with wise sayings. Some of them seem like common sense, but many others are divine principles that lead to a fruitful life. In today’s verse, we learn that someone who is wise heeds instruction but a scoffer (someone who’s arrogant and stubborn) does not. We could also say the reverse is true – someone who’s obedient to Godly instruction is wise, and those who scoff at it are not.

We all need wisdom on a daily basis – from simple decisions to complex projects, it’s the Lord’s grace that guides us minute by minute. God has given us a handbook of instruction to help us navigate life wisely – the Bible. The more we obey His Word and follow it wholeheartedly, the wiser we become.

The world might say someone who’s ranked #1 is the wisest of all. But in God’s eyes, His children – who humble themselves and seek His will above their own, are at the top.

Lean on the Holy Spirit and let Him guide you through your life. Choose to obey the Lord, even when it’s inconvenient, and you’ll see His wisdom leading you to heights you could never have thought possible. When you obey God’s Word, you are wise.


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