October 2018 – Month of Overflow


Everybody has needs and prayers that are yet unanswered. We say that we pray with faith, but do we really believe that we will reap the blessing?

Remember the story of the poor widow – the widow could not repay her debts because she only had a handful of oil? Despite her situation, she chose to obey God and followed His Word. Soon, her jug overflowed with oil! And in turn, all the jugs in her neighbourhood were filled with oil. God WILL create overflow in our lives.

“When all the jars were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another one.” But he replied, “There is not a jar left.” Then the oil stopped flowing.” – 2 Kings 4:6 (NIV)

For this month, God’s promise to us is that blessings will overflow in every area of our lives – from our career, to our homes, and our spiritual life! Our hearts will overflow with His love and mercy; our lives will overflow God’s goodness. God will provide an overflow in our finances. God will bless us unconditionally and, the cascading effect, will bless others through us.

The greatest blessing from God is His son who was nailed on the cross, because God, loves us unconditionally, even when we are deep in sin. God made his love overflow for us!

God will give us more than we require to share the excess with others, and also to share Him with others; then, they can receive His overflow of blessings side-by-side with us!


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