Offer Your Best to God


1 Chronicles 16:29 – “Give to the Lord the glory due His name; Bring an offering, and come before Him. Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness!”

Today’s verse is taken from David’s song of thanks after he arranged for the ark of God to be placed inside a tent in Jerusalem. The ark was always considered a symbol of the presence and glory of God. It’s no wonder that when the ark returned to Jerusalem, David danced in joyous celebration and sang aloud in gratitude.

We rarely keep quiet when we get good news. Kids let out squeals of joy when they receive a gift. Even adults holler when their favorite team wins a game. But when last did we express such joy in the presence of God? King David was not ashamed to dance uninhibitedly in front of his subjects. He offered his best praise to the Lord because He couldn’t contain it within him. We are living, breathing evidence of God’s goodness. But is our joy and gratitude evident in the way we approach God?

David says we should bring our offering and come before the Lord. What’s the best offering you can give the Lord Jesus Christ? Give your best praise to Him – it doesn’t matter if you can carry a tune or not. It’s your heart He’s interested in. Offer the best moments of your day to God. Give Him your attention, and let Him speak life into your life. Offer your best to the Lord and give Him the glory due to His Name.



  1. Ramakrishna
    24 Sep 2019 08:30:46 Reply

    Give thanks to Him, praises to Him and all the glory and honor to Him because He is good all the time
    Praise the Lord

  2. Ramakrishna
    24 Sep 2019 08:34:09 Reply

    Give thanks to God , rejoice in Him, He is good sing and dance because His presence is here. The one who has marvelous mighty things.
    Thank you Lord your love endures forever
    Praise the Lord

  3. Praveen Kumar Dass
    24 Sep 2019 12:58:37 Reply

    When we surrender our life to Jesus the saviour and follow his word and give the best in everything. And let Jesus be your Lord of your life that would be greatest offering to God.

  4. Joshi
    24 Sep 2019 14:57:23 Reply

    Give thanks to him and greatest to. Jesus is the wonderful god Almighty in the name of juses christ

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