Only Believe!


“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32


This verse is a gracious consolation to God’s children. The Lord Jesus Christ addresses us, the church as little flock or little sheep, and He is our shepherd. We are tenderly loved by our Lord. Psalm 23 explains the role of God as a shepherd to those who have surrendered to His leading. Our shepherd makes sure that we lack nothing and gives rest to our tired souls. He is our constant companion even though we pass through fearful and difficult circumstances in our lives. His presence protects and provides for us and ensures our success, especially in front of our enemies.

God refers to Himself as our Father, which makes us a part of God’s family. Luke 12:32 is a verse about the kind of heart God has towards His children. Psalm 103:8 says that Our Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger. If the Lord, our Father, is the King, then we are heirs to the kingdom which He in His good pleasure is gladly giving to us. God the Father wants to have a close, “father-child” relationship with us. That is our Lord’s joy, desire, and happiness.

There is a lot in that little verse, and it certainly helps us understand why we don’t have to fear – Do Not Fear, ONLY BELIEVE!


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