Open Invite!


Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. Psalm 95:6 (KJV)


The psalmist David gives us an open invitation to worship, bow down, and kneel before the Lord.
A call to worship – Worship is the expression of reverence and adoration towards our Lord Jesus Christ. If our worship is about ourselves and not about the Lord, we fall into the deception like the Israelites, who received much yet thanked God little. We are to have joy, enthusiasm, and energy in our worship. Worship offers us an intimate opportunity to open our hearts before our Lord Jesus Christ. It changes our lives and our attitude towards circumstances, giving us the strength of an overcomer.

The second call is just as essential, it is the call to bow down before God. It means that we must have a submissive attitude toward God, recognizing that He is our creator and knows what is best for us. We bow before our Lord Jesus in thankfulness because of the greatest gift we have received from Him- forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

A call to kneel before God – It is an expression of praise and admiration. We kneel in submission before the Lord acknowledging His greatness, his sovereignty, and His wisdom. We praise God for all the miracles, provision, and protection we have received from Him. When we praise God, we remind ourselves of God’s greatness and the wonders we have experienced. Praising the Lord reinforced in our understanding of Him and moves us closer in relationship with our Lord. Psalms 135:3 says it is good to sing praise to the Lord Jesus Christ.


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