Our Compassionate Father


Isaiah 54:8 NIV

In a surge of anger I hid my face from you for a moment, but with everlasting kindness I will have compassion on you,” says the Lord your Redeemer.

Today’s verse probably brings back memories of our childhood days when most of us got into trouble with our parents. In their anger, parents discipline their children through physical punishment or by giving them the silent treatment. However, within a short while, the same parents forgive their children, hug them, and probably offer them a candy or two to show their love and affection.

Is there a better parent than God? We can’t even imagine the compassion of our Father toward us – exceeding that of our earthly parents.

Here, God speaks through Isaiah regarding His brief anger but everlasting lovingkindness towards His people. The rebellious Israelites keep going back to their sinful ways even after witnessing God’s miracles and provisions throughout their lives. However, the Lord disciplines them with tough love. He promises to redeem and restore them out of His compassion for them.

Because God is Holy, He won’t overlook the sins of His children. Sin leads to separation from God. However, the instant we confess and repent, His mercy starts flowing into our lives, transforming us. Moreover, His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23 NKJV).

Today, no matter how deep your sin may be, remember that you can always seek refuge in your compassionate Father. His anger only lasts for a moment, but His lovingkindness lasts forever!


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