Our excellent and glorious God


Psalm 8:1:  O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens.  (KJV).

God’s name is excellent in all the earth.  His name is great over every other name, whether on earth or in heaven.  Nothing can be compared to God’s glory.  It is beyond the praises of the angels who see Him everyday and praise Him.

God created the whole universe, yet His glory is far above all the created things.  His glory cannot be sustained in few words or the created things.  His name is excellent.  His name is praiseworthy.  His name has no wrong, no sin.  His name only brings deliverance and freedom from bondage and oppression.  At the mention of the name of our Lord Jesus, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is God.  There is no equal to the name of our God.  His name works miracles and wonders for those who believe and trust Him.  All the heavenly beings praise Him day in and day out.  In spite of all the praises and glory they offer Him, His name is exalted far above that.  It is of high importance.  When we see the whole of creation, we cannot see anything that is as excellent or even as close to match the greatness of His name or the quality of His name.  His name and His glory is beyond comparison.

God does not share His glory with anything or anyone.  Imagine serving and worshipping a God whose name and glory is far above the heavens!  When we have such a God in our life, our life will never be the same again.


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