Our Father is not asleep!


He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber.
Psalms 121:3 NKJV

What could be the deep cry of our heart? The ache in our soul that keeps us awake all night or that prayer we keep repeating? Well in most cases, it is the fear of not being heard, being forgotten in this big world, the fear of being abandoned or not being worthy enough to be heard. Yes, these thoughts are real but in a world filled with lies and falsehood the above thoughts that crawl into our minds is contradictory to our identity.

Our identity being in Christ must remind us that, Jesus not only cares about this deep spiritual wrestling we fight but He also wants to step in and see us through this entire phase of finding the ‘I AM’ and what He can and is able to do. Yes, life is a battle- sometimes thoughts that discourage, invoke frustration or build guilt and shame on the inside of us, keeps us from moving forward. At some point we all go through this phase of fear and doubt, probably somebody reading this right now needs to feel reassured. This is for all you children of God, fear not for His word is all about reclaiming and training our thoughts to come alive in the mind of Christ.

Fear no longer can cripple us, for psalms 121:3 says, “He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber.” our God is not asleep, He is a God who can, who is able and who will look after the needs of our being, in Him alone shall we be safe, secure and assured. Let us learn to identify the thoughts from our Father that matches our identity and the thoughts of lies and the world! May we identify ourselves with our creator now and forevermore.


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