Our Glorious Privilege through Christ!


Ephesians 3:12

“In Christ we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in Him.”

Imagine, Paul, a preacher saying Jesus Christ brings freedom from captivity and deliverance from the powers of darkness, is now imprisoned for the Gospel, possibly even facing death. Paul realized that this situation in his life can adversely affect the faith of his brethren causing them to struggle in their beliefs, thus shaking their confidence and courage. Ephesians is one of the many letters that Paul wrote from the prison. He encourages the church to look at the situation from a fresh perspective… turning upwards, having a heavenly outlook.

To think that this is still so relevant to what the world is going through today, if we can see things from a divine point of view, we will not be overwhelmed by all that is happening around us.

Let our focus be this: through Jesus Christ, we have the grand privilege of FREE ACCESS to THE MOST unimaginable, glorious and powerful zones in existence-The Throne Room of the Most High. If we could see with unveiled eyes, we would see that Jesus is the door through which we can enter this magnificent place with freedom and without any fear.

Through our faith in Christ Jesus, our sins are cleansed and we are adopted as the children of the Most High. Do we really understand the magnitude and reality of this wondrous truth???!!! Paul has gone through great lengths to explain in detail and depth our inheritance in Christ. When we set our eyes on JESUS, on His Kingdom and on His plans, no matter what happens around us, we will not grow faint with fear nor weary with worry. We would rather, be secure in Christ and who we are in HIM!!!


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