Our God is Worthy of Praise


Let them exalt Him also in the assembly of the people and praise Him in the company of the elders. -Psalm 107:32

Our Lord dwells in the praises of His people. This verse is a reminder to God’s children to give praises to our Lord in the presence of other worshippers and elders. Every Christian needs to express their gratitude for the blessings in their lives in the presence of others. This verse encourages us to exalt the Lord in the presence of two kinds of people.

  • The assembly of people 
  • Company of elders

The assembly of people is our fellow worshippers. The company of elders is our teachers and mentors who train, encourage, and mold us in our faith. When we exalt the Lord, the people around us are encouraged. It may be a short testimony that we share in a prayer group or on that we share on social media. Our spiritual teachers and mentors also will get encouraged and they will grow in their own faith.

Let us share what the Lord Jesus has done in our lives with each other. But let all praises go to our Lord Jesus and not to ourselves as we share our testimonies.

Today, let us be reminded to encourage each other by exalting the Lord because He has delivered us from our spiritual emptiness, sicknesses, depression, financial crisis, and many similar issues in our lives.


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