Our God Saves 


2 Samuel 22:4“I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and have been saved from my enemies.” 

Who is an enemy? Anything or anyone who is hostile towards us and may harm or weaken us is our enemy. They may not necessarily be people, they can also be our weaknesses and addictions. We are constantly fighting our enemies both on the inside and outside. Fighting these battles by our own strength can be exhausting and overwhelming. We will eventually get worn out or defeated in the process. If we want to overpower our enemies, we need to come up with a new strategy and reposition ourselves to receive supernatural strength. 

The above verse urges us to call on the Lord in times of trouble so that He may equip us to fight that, which is against us. It further confirms the saving nature of our Lord. When we allow Lord Jesus to fight for us and align ourselves to His will, it changes the equation in our favour. Victory becomes inevitable. God does not promise that enemies will not emerge and attack us, but He assures us that when we call upon His holy name, He will show Himself and deliver us from them. 

The next time you are troubled by your thoughts, challenges, coworkers, relationships, finances, do not try to work things out on your own. Instead cry out to the Lord who has dominion over everything and ask Him to touch you in the areas where you feel inadequate. Allow Him to take control of your weaknesses so that you may rise above your situation and emerge victorious. 


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