Our God Will Not Forget Us


Can a woman forget her nursing child? And not have compassion on the son of her womb. Surely, they may forget, Yet I will not forget you – Isaiah 49:15

Many have seen in the animal kingdom how aggressive the animal mothers are when they have their young next to them. Her only focus is to feed and protect her young one. A human mother may not show any obvious aggression but her focus is also to protect and feed her baby. The love and affection that a mother has for her child can never be replaced.

The mother shows the most amount of affection and care towards her child when the child is at the nursing age. The above verse talks about an impossible situation where a woman forgets the child that she nurses.

The promise in this verse is that even if the mother forgets her baby that she nurses, God will never forget us.

Today, in our lives we may have gone through different challenges, failures and losses. We may be feeling in our hearts the God has forgotten us. There may be seasons in our lives when God may be silent . But, remember, He has not forgotten us .

God’s love continues to live in our lives. He will fulfil our needs just as a mother fulfils her child’s needs

Today , let us not feel that we are alone in our difficult times. But let us have the confidence that we have a God who is our Father and our Mother .Let our hearts not be dismayed because He is the God who cares for us .



  1. Samwel Passiany
    13 May 2021 07:15:29 Reply

    Hallelujah, what a wonderful assurance of God’s care and concern all the time. I thank God that He has not forgotten and neither will He. My prayer is to remain steadfast and faithful to Him all day long. Amen

  2. Ajay Uchoi
    13 May 2021 08:10:40 Reply

    Very true . Praise the lord almighty.
    Please do remember in prayers

    • Bethel Team
      13 May 2021 08:35:53 Reply

      Hi Ajay,

      You are in our prayers.May the Lord Jesus be with you.

  3. Shivaram
    13 May 2021 19:21:28 Reply

    Amen..Praise to the LORD Almighty Loving Gracious Father GOD.

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