Our Hiding Place


Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, Your dwelling place, 10 No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling. Psalm 91:9-10

The world can be an unsteady and dangerous place. In recent days, we have helplessly watched the monsoon floods ruin our nation, killing people, destroying homes, and wrecking lives. It’s one hit after another. And the storms of this life are not just limited to the weather. The newspapers are filled with stories of racism, genocide, terrorism, war, and human suffering.

This can be overwhelming, more like a storm surge that threatens to drown everything else out. So where do we turn? In the book of psalms, we find the writers repeatedly mention that ”God is our refuge” in a time of storms and trials. But what does it mean to find refuge and make it our dwelling place? The dictionary says that a ”refuge” is a place that provides shelter or protection. So here’s what the Bible says, ”God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1.), with God as our refuge, we need not fear, even as the earth gives way and as the waters roar. (Psalm 46:2-3.) Does this mean, our storms will magically disappear? Well, the Bible promises something far more valuable. It means that God is with us, and we need not be afraid. We can take comfort in being in God’s presence, trusting in the promise of eternal life. The creator of this universe cares about our daily struggles and wants to be apart of it. He is our Emmanuel- God with us.

As we make God our refuge and the Most High our dwelling place, no evil nor plague will come near our dwelling place. (Psalm 91:9-10) When we take comfort in His presence, He becomes our hiding place. Never again, will we ever have to try and get through the struggles of our life, by ourselves. We will always find protection in the Lord, especially when there is total dependence on Him!


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