Our Higher Calling!


Not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing. 1 Peter 3:9 (NKJV)

It may seem unreasonable to repay evil with good. Yet, this is apostle Peter’s profound advice for Christians negotiating the complexities of life’s difficulties. This straightforward yet powerful instruction conveys a divine invitation to adopt a higher way of life that mirrors the words and deeds of Jesus Christ.

Our human nature compels us to return harm and seek revenge when hurt or wounded. But as children of God, we must rise above these temptations. The verse from 1 Peter 3:9 reminds us that we are called to stand out by displaying a reaction based on love, mercy, and grace.

Repaying good for evil is not a sign of weakness but spiritual strength. Peter urges us to control our urge for retaliation and focus our emotions on love and compassion instead. This response reflects the nature of God in us.

Our Lord Jesus modeled this behavior. He replied with compassion and forgiveness when exposed to insults, false accusations, and physical torture. Even while He hung on the cross, He pleaded with God to pardon His executioners. Peter encourages us to imitate Jesus’ example by returning evil with blessing.

In times of conflict, hurt, or offense, we should consider Jesus’s example. We ask our Lord to give us the courage to respond with love and compassion despite our natural nature.

In choosing to repay evil with kindness, we become an instrument of God’s transformative grace. We live up to God’s higher standard, humility, and self-control. We contribute to a cycle of reconciliation and healing rather than perpetuating hurt and bitterness. Let’s embrace this divine calling with an open heart, knowing that we can impact lives and bring Christ to people around us.


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