Our Lord Forgives and Heals


Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases – Psalm 103:2–3

Encouraging the soul to bless the Lord is an expression of worship that rises from deep within our hearts. It is not just an emotion but praise that comes out of deep gratitude. There are no requests, no petitions nor a prayer list in such a prayer. It is pure unadulterated praise to God.

Our God deserves our praise. Everything that we have is a benefit from God. Many times, we may compare our lives to others. But our Lord God has given specific benefits to each person, each family, and each church according to their specific needs.

Remember, our very life is a gift from Him. Some of us have prayer lists during our prayer that have a list of needs and wants. Our God will provide us according to His riches. But, let our attitude during our prayer change from being requesters to worshippers. Let us become worshippers with no conditions but pure worship filled with gratitude for all that our Lord has already done in our lives.

As we continue to meditate on this verse, we see there are additional promises in this verse. Our Lord God delivers us from our sins and heals all our sicknesses. It says in 1 Peter 2:24, “He himself bore our sins, in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds, you have been healed.” Our Lord Jesus’ death on the cross has made us conquerors of our sins and our sickness.

Today, we may be filled with depression, sicknesses, hopelessness, or fear. Let us begin worshipping Him. Our God will provide peace, healing, hope, peace, and joy in our lives by His mighty power.


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