Our Lord Knows Us


For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust- Psalm 103:14

This verse is a painful reality that we often forget. As we live our lives with all our ambitions and responsibilities, we tend to forget the basic truth that we are just dust. Our Lord’s compassion and favor continue to be on us because He knows that we are frail and weak. 

As it says in Jeremiah 9:23-24 -Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches but let the one who boasts boast about this that they have the understanding to know me.

We as humans have nothing to boast about. We are like a flower that blooms in the morning and wither away in the evening. So, let us live our lives with love and humility. Let us be kind to our aging parents, let us be understanding to our spouse, let us be loving to our children, let us stretch out our hand to those who are in need physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Today, let us humble ourselves before Him.

Even when we cause pain to our Lord, His forgiveness is great towards us because He is our creator, and He knows how we were formed. As it says in Psalm 139 -For you created my inmost being. 

Today, let us make a commitment that we will live our lives in genuine humility remembering our final destiny. But let us not live our lives in sadness but let us speak life and life in abundance. All His promises from the word are there for us. Let us draw faith from His word of abundant life and live a life in service to those around us.


One Comment

  1. Primela
    27 Oct 2021 14:54:22 Reply

    Very nice msg. Yes, ‘humble yourself before God and He will exalt you among men.’

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