Power in The Blood!


Ephesians 1:7
In Him we have redemption through His Blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.

In the Old Testament, according to the Law, sin offerings were made at the altar, to make atonement for the sin committed by the person. This sacrifice of innocent animal blood was repeated every time he sinned until his death. The blood of the sacrificial lamb in the Old Testament points forward to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. The Blood of the unblemished and spotless Lamb(1 Peter 1:19), was shed once and for all, to make atonement for our souls. For without shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness(Hebrew 9:22). Thereby, God fulfilled His promise of redeeming the world.

The price was paid for all our sins – past, present and future, by shedding His Blood, leading us to eternal redemption(Hebrew 9:12). Our lives have been made wholesome(holy) to God. In Ephesus, there was a practice of redeeming slaves by paying a ransom. Similarly, we were redeemed from the slavery of sin by Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and now we are bond slaves of God(1 Peter 2:16).

We are not fighting for victory from sins but we are fighting from the position of victory. Victory that was already won for us by Jesus’ finished work. If God paid the ultimate price for us, then we are free from our former ways. Our God is rich in grace but we cannot take His grace for granted and live like the world, anymore. God who redeemed us, will also empower us to supernaturally overtake every temptation and snare, coming our way. So, let us walk daily in the freedom from sin as children of God.

Today, on World Blood Donor Day, let’s remember to live in the Power of His Blood!


One Comment

  1. Ruby willam Dhaser
    15 Jun 2022 10:24:22 Reply

    Thanks to God Jesus for cleansing us we bless and thank God for everything

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