Praise Because You Breathe


Psalm 150:4– “Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes.”

It is interesting to realize that to Praise the Lord is a command.  The last verse says “everything that has breath praise the Lord.” (Psalm 150:6).  Every living creature is commanded to praise Him.

We, His most precious creation, made in His own image, are also commanded to praise Him however we can.  With timbrel (tambourine), with dance, with stringed instruments and with flutes. It doesn’t mean we all have to be musicians and artists, but we must praise Him with all our being, all the time.

We must praise our Creator with our voices, our thoughts, our singing, our dancing, our attitude.  Praise has an incredible effect on ourselves because it shifts our focus from situations, problems, worries, to our God. For instance, when we start singing praises to our God, our mood changes, we feel more upbeat, more positive, hope begins to fill our emotions, it really has an impact on us.

And most importantly, when we sing Praises to our God, something powerful happens in the spiritual realm:  we attract His Presence and His angels to where we are, and when this happens, darkness has to flee!  Yes, where the light of God shines, darkness has to flee!

Start noticing the effect that a non-worship song has on you.  For a while, the lyrics are okay, the melody may be beautiful, but it can leave us a little bit empty inside.  However, when we start listening to Praise and Worship songs which point to our loving God and Father, we can’t help but praise Him all the more.

Our God makes no mistakes, He knows what He does – all the time.  Therefore, He commanded us to Praise Him because when we call upon Him, He hears our voice and He comes.  So come on, lift up your voice and start singing praises to the One who loves to hear you calling His name.


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