Magnify the Lord with me


Psalm 34:3 – “Oh, magnify the Lord with me, And let us exalt His name together.” 

It is good to magnify the Lord anytime we can.  It is really good to do it when we get together in our small groups, when we all join in and praise His name.  But it is really wonderful when the entire congregation joins together in one voice shouting praises to the Lord, magnifying His name, giving Him the praises that only He deserves.   

When we walk into our church and we are surrounded by our brothers and sisters whose focus is the Lord, whose voices are singing and shouting praises to His name, what a blessed feeling that is! 

David knew this feeling well, the effect of praising the Lord with a large number of people, and therefore he urged them to join him.  He had many reasons why he should do it, and the same reasons apply to us today.  Together we magnify the Lord because He is God; because He answers us; He delivers us from all our fears; He provides for us; He saves us from all our troubles; He protects us; He instructs us; He is close to us; He saves us! (Psalm 34). 

In fact, when we magnify the Lord, we move our focus from all our fears, troubles, complaints, frustrations, illnesses, needs, loneliness, and all the things that distract us from knowing that God is Good to us all the time! 

We have a multitude of reasons to praise the Lord, to magnify and exalt His name!  So, let’s do it right now? 

“We exalt Your name Lord, You are our wonderful Savior, Counselor, Protector, Deliverer, loving and caring Father and Friend,  we are grateful because Your mercies over us are renewed daily, we love You Lord with all our heart. You are worthy of all our praises, now and forever, Amen!” 


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