Praise the Lord!


Sing to the Lord, for He has done excellent things; this is known in all the earth. Isaiah 12:5

Singing praises to the Lord need not be a performance. When we understand the profoundness of what He has done for us, we know it’s all about expressing our gratitude and not about putting on a mere show. 

As believers, we admit that God sent His son to take our place on the cross. Jesus Christ, the only sinless human to have walked the face of the earth, made us righteous with God by cleansing us from the crimson-red stains of our sins. By God’s amazing grace, He chose us to be His children. We can never praise Him enough for that. The realization of this privilege will naturally make us shout out the Lord’s praises!

If we can praise sports celebrities, actors, or social media influencers in admiration, how much more worthy is the Lord, our Savior? Our very existence is due to His mercy and grace. So it is only appropriate we declare His mighty works to the world. 

While it is easy to proclaim our faith privately, it may be harder to do so publicly. However, the joy of our salvation will not let us remain silent. This everlasting joy will surely overflow and spread to those around us. So, let us not stay quiet but make worship our lifestyle. Let us sing our praises to the Lord, who alone deserves them. Let the world see His greatness. Everything that has breath will indeed praise the Lord! 


One Comment

  1. G1
    12 May 2024 22:37:27 Reply

    Absolutely, Praise God!
    The joy of our salvation will not let us remain silent. It felt like Jeremiah who was torn between two conflicting emotions were he says it’s like a fire inside his bones that he cannot contain within. On one hand, he feels compelled to share God’s message, but on the other hand, he faces opposition and ridicule. Eventually he ends up sharing God’s Word. May God continue to ignite in us the fire to proclaim His Word.

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