Praise your way up.


“I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works.” (Psalm 9:1 NKJV)

Praise not only honors God but also uplifts us from our state of sorrow and reminds us of the greatness and capabilities of our God.

The act of praise is essential for our hearts because we often forget the mercies that God has shown us in the past. Instead, we tend to grumble and complain about our current circumstances, even though God has brought us out of much worse situations before.

It’s important to understand that God loves a grateful spirit. Many parents can relate to this sentiment. When they celebrate their child’s birthday with the best gifts possible, and the child expresses dissatisfaction or disappointment, the parents feel unappreciated and saddened. Similarly, our heavenly Father, God, has given us His very best—His only Son. If we complain and lack gratitude despite His immense blessings, it is a sin.

Therefore, let us continually praise Him as the Waymaker, the Giver of Peace, the Provider, the Guide, and the Source of Strength throughout all seasons of our lives. We would not have made it this far without Him, and HE assures to walk with you till the end and beyond. Jesus is our only friend beyond grave. Amen


One Comment

  1. P. Jaya Kumar
    24 Jul 2023 08:10:56 Reply

    yes true. Praise the Lord.
    My God is good and yes He has given us Salvation through His Son who willingly came down and took the punishment which we should have had. what can I give in return but just praise to Him with grateful heart. Bless the Lord oh my soul, Bless His Holy Name and forget not all His benefits.

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