“I will praise the Lord according to His righteousness, and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.” Psalm 7:17
God’s innate nature is righteousness. Through Him, we know the meaning of right standing with God. In Psalm 7, David is writing about God’s judgment for the wicked.
David would always end the Psalm praising God for who He is: just and righteous. He knew that praising God was the answer to all his troubles. Many times we find ourselves surrounded by our enemies. These enemies could be addictions, some form of sin, a bad habit, or bad company. Whenever we feel overwhelmed by the presence of these foes in our lives, our immediate response should be to imitate David. There are multiple benefits to praising God in troubled times. Let us look at a few of them:
- Praising God brings His protection
God is our refuge in times of trouble and the one who takes shelter in Him finds His protection. Praising God means trusting that He will take care of you when you need Him the most. God loves when His children praise Him and place their confidence in Him, He then provides them with His protection.
- Praising God makes your problem look smaller
Have you ever tried singing hymns or songs of praise to God in the middle of the storms in your life? It is a wonderful experience. All of a sudden, everything that would be bothering us, fades away and the problem begins to seem conquerable.
That is the power of praising Him in times of trouble.
- Praising God gives you confidence
Praise is not only for God but also an instrument for us to gain confidence in His ability to bring us out of our troubled waters. It brings assurance that no matter what life throws at us, we have our God backing us up. He is an omnipresent God who never leaves nor forsakes us.
- Praising God brings His blessings
And finally, praising God brings abundant blessings into our lives. As God looks at our nature of trusting and placing our faith in Him, He takes immense pleasure in the same, and His love bestows us with His blessings that fill our lives.
So, Let us also learn to enjoy the benefits of praising our true living God just as David did.