Promise Keeper



Joshua 23:14… not one thing has failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spoke concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one word of them has failed.


She used to love writing among other things. But, somewhere along the line, she slackened and gradually opportunities dwindled. Then she began to feel the need to write again and made a weak prayer to be revived in her writing skill.

God hears and answers every prayer but have we been waiting expectantly or just  given up or even forgotten about it?

Can we recall some of the prayers we’ve made, this year? What did our ‘Promise Cards’ assure us of at the beginning of 2020? Do you remember if you really believed that some of these prayers would be answered?

In the verse above, Joshua, the great leader of Israel, just before his death, delivered his final address to the people. He reminds and affirms to them that God has fulfilled every single promise He made to them. Not one has been forgotten or withheld.

If He is the same yesterday, today and forever, that would be true of us this year and today too, right? Let’s look back at this eventful year and count all the prayers that have been answered.

Do we back every prayer with a promise from God’s word? The word of God is tested, true and stands fast forever. Despite our many faults, failures, we know that the Lord is faithful and all His promises are “Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus our Lord” (2 Corinthians 1:20).




  1. Ramakrishna
    30 Dec 2020 18:13:26 Reply

    Amen. All good things are possible to our God. Please pray for our elder daughter for her complete transformation and come back to Lord Jesus. As prodigal’s son comeback to his father. So as to bring her back to the arms of the Heavenly Father forevermore. Yes and Amen. I trust wholeheartedly.

    • Bethel Team
      03 Jan 2021 14:54:33 Reply

      Dear Brother,
      sure, we’ll agree with you in prayer for your elder daughter’s transformation and her heart to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful to all His promises and fulfill what you are believing for your daughter from His word.
      God bless you abundantly.

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