
Psalm 73:1
Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart.

“Heart is the wellspring of life”

The Lord Jesus gave each one of us a heart. Have we ever thought why? What is the function of the heart? The heart pumps blood and gives life to every part of our body. Imagine if this organ did not do its role? Imagine if some parts of your body did not receive blood? What would happen? Would they function?

In the same way Jesus gives life to us. He does not only give life but gives us a wholesome life. Allow him to give life to your marriage, your finances, your confusion, your anxiety and every form of helplessness. When he gives life he pours out his blood for us, and when the anointing of his oil and blood flows to every part of our life; death rules no more.

Let your bodies and hearts be filled with the precious anointing of our Jesus Christ that we will not only be raised from the dead but will also enjoy the blessing of the resurrected life which will thereafter continue to live in the Lord most high, The Great I AM.


One Comment

  1. Joseph Melchior
    26 Jun 2019 19:11:42 Reply

    Very True. We need to surrender our hearts to Jesus. Then he will not only fullfil our hearts desire, but also give us a healthy heart

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