Purposeful Burdens


2 Corinthians 4:17

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

When Jenny’s friend quoted this verse to her, she retorted, ‘light and momentary for Paul, but I can’t take it any longer.’ Not just Jenny, but many of us would think similarly when the burdens of the troubles are far too overwhelming. Some of us have been battling issues that seem never ending; some of us have troubles that seem to refuse to leave.

Yet, Paul was fully aware of the gravity of what he was stating. He endured horrendous situations and accusations. He was imprisoned, beaten up, stoned and even went hungry despite being innocent. For the kind of persistent troubles he faced, he had enough and more reasons to whine, complain and mope. What then, was different about how Paul looked at all this?

An evangelist named George Campbell Morgan said, “Affliction is not something to be endured in order to reach glory. It is the very process that creates the glory. Through travail comes birth.” It’s just that sometimes we are ourselves responsible for some of the burdens. For example, unforgiveness can lead to bitterness and resentment which can lead to physical ailments. Similarly, unbelief, ingratitude, grouse, jealousy, envy, even comparing can have drastic effects on our inner self which then shows on our physical bodies.

We need to have the understanding that God is no stranger to what we face, rather He knows exactly how we feel. Every single thing that bothers us, that affects us, that weights on our hearts, is of concern to Him. Paul prayed three times for the Lord to take away the thorn in his flesh, but did God take it away?

Every experience in our life has a PURPOSE. Ask the Lord what purpose does He want fulfilled through what you’re going through. Ask Him for the strength to endure, the patience to wait, the heart to trust. May the Lord empower you to live every single day in victory over your situations!



  1. rajini thomas
    21 Mar 2022 00:07:30 Reply

    How to find the purpose of our life, the promise given to us. Then only can we understand the meaning of the pains and confusions we go through

    • Bethel Team
      21 Mar 2022 18:40:49 Reply

      Dear Rajini Thomas,

      Only the Lord in His divinity would be able to reveal HIS PURPOSE for what you endure. The psalmist says, “I sought the Lord and He answered me.” Seek the Lord with a patient heart and wait on Him.

      We pray that you would hear Him and His plans would be established in your life!

      In Jesus’ Name.

      Daily Devotions Team

  2. Nicholas Pink
    21 Mar 2022 06:10:20 Reply

    🙏 Amen thank you Jesus. Lord give the strength to face all problems in Jesus name I pray Amen

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