Pursuing Godly Wisdom


Proverbs 2:6 – “For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.” 

The desire to know and understand is ingrained in us. Babies are delighted when they learn how to clap their hands. Children pull apart their toys to understand how they work. Even adults constantly check on the news to know what’s happening in the world. Even at a time when we’re hearing more bad news than good, there is an insatiable curiosity in us to know what’s next, and how we can be prepared for it.

There’s only so much we can learn from media and the people around us. In the end, we must remember that it’s God who holds us in His hands. There’s nothing in the world that He doesn’t already know. When we walk with God, He will give us the wisdom we need to live each day well. Therefore, it should be our primary focus to pursue Godly wisdom so we can be prepared for whatever life throws at us.

We’re living in uncertain times. Governments around the world are struggling to contain the pandemic. But let’s not forget that the King of kings is on our side. He alone is the source of true wisdom. Information from news channels and social media may depress us, but wisdom from the Lord will enlighten us. Don’t let the wisdom of the world drown out the truth of God’s Word.

Prayer: Lord, I need your wisdom… more now than ever. I believe Your Word will sustain me. Fortify my faith Lord, and guide each step I take today. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.


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