Put your anxiety to rest


John 14:1:  Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

Hours before Jesus was going to be betrayed and later crucified, He spoke words of comfort to His true disciples.  While He himself was in pain, He spoke words of comfort and promised them of a new friend and counselor, the Holy Spirit.  The disciples were upset about the whole proceedings that were to take place in a few hours from then, though they did not know how exactly it was all going to be.  Jesus encouraged their discouraged minds.

When disbelief and sorrow had crossed the disciples’ face, their Master caught that just in time.  When sorrows like sea billows roll in our life, we have to believe in God and also believe in Jesus.  Though Jesus Himself was going through very stressful moments, He chose to comfort His disciples.  When in pain, learn from the Master not to whine about it.  The only way to forget our sorrows and pain is by ministering to those who are in a similar situation.  Believe in God, believe that He is able to deliver you.  Grow stronger in your relationship with God.  Spend time with Him everyday, even if it means just a few minutes.

When we trust and believe God, He will trust us too.  He will hear us when we call upon Him.  The spirit that God has given us is not a spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and a sound mind.  This qualifies us to depend and believe in God always.


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