Radically Changed



1 Corinthians 6:11(NKJV) “And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.”


Many of us question our sense of self or identity especially when going through changes or stress. We may have heard of people with fake passports to conceal their true identity but they can’t dodge their true selves even if they wanted to. Similarly those who are idolaters, seeking false gods for life’s solution, those who abuse substances, those who are abusive, threatening violence in speech or conduct, liars, thieves, sexually immoral can never avoid the consequence of their lifestyle and choices.

Some of us did go by these identities but have been made clean, made holy and imputed the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord. We have become inheritors of the kingdom of God. We have received a radical identity transformation!

All of us struggle with figuring out who we are, we have voices and old ways of doing things that pull against us causing confusion. It is okay to turn to Jesus in faith, and forsake who we were by His grace.

He alone can bring us out of our defilement and unrighteousness, wash us, sanctify us and justify us by His blood and by the power of the Spirit of the living God. We can’t remain in unrepentant, ongoing practice of sin and miss out on our rich heavenly inheritance. Let’s put to death the old deeds, old identity, which has no part in our new journey.

Walk in the freedom of this truth today – our new identity in the Lord Christ Jesus for the glory of God.



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